
Stylish Portraits for Creative People

Edgy alternative contemporary portraits for women artists photos and headshots Los Angeles Rebecca Little Photography Pasadena CA

I love this portrait of Bri, one of my hair stylists. There is something so plaintive about the expression in her eyes. She connects so fully with the camera. I shoot all of my hair stylists and makeup artists so they know how it feels to be the client.

I have to brag a bit and say that my team are absolutely the best at making our clients feel at ease. Besides being crazy talented, they are friendly and listen to your feedback.

If you want to try a bright red lip, or if you prefer a softer look, that’s what they’ll do. If you want soft, beachy curls or a super straight blow-out, they can do that too. They’re also really good at giving tips for doing your own hair and makeup at home and they know the best products to recommend.

They know the experience is about YOU and how you look and feel.


serving Pasadena, CA and surrounding areas since 2010


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