I ran into my friend in the Trader Joe’s parking lot yesterday (because Trader Joe’s and Target are where everyone seems to congregate – and the Hastings Branch library) and she told me about hiking with her family and trekking to the top of the mountain and camping for the night. ‘That sounds cool’, I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll do that.’
“It’s right there, where those trees are,” and she pointed to the treeline clearly visible on the ridge of the mountain top. And suddenly it became real. Not just, “oh yeah, I’ll do that one day” but I looked at the mountaintop and thought about what it would take to get up there. I started to get specific, thinking about how much weight I could carry, and how much my kids would complain about the hike. And now all day long – either sitting in the carpool line at pick up, or at soccer practice, or looking out my kitchen window, I can see the treeline.
I’m always thinking about how to live my life with intention, especially now that my kids are older. And I realize that I need something that I can refer to during the day, something that’s always within sight.
So this week I’m working on my treeline. I’m making a dry erase board this morning and hanging it in my office, and getting out my big green vase for a visualization project this afternoon with the girls (more on that later). I have my Kindle loaded with all the books I turn to the most often for guidance, and I’m getting rid of the clutter around the house that distracts me.
Do you have a treeline? What do you do/see/practice to keep you on track?