
My Portrait

Rebecca Little Photography portrait by Sue Bryce Los Angeles Pasadena CA

How do I know how empowering a portrait session can be? Because I had mine done.

The most common reason women give me for not having a portrait done is “I need to lose weight first.” As if you’re not deserving of a beautiful photograph of yourself because you’re not perfect. Breaking news – none of us are. You have the right to exist in a photograph, you have the right to feel beautiful and proud and celebratory.

Don’t you have people who love you, right now, at this very minute, just the way you are? Don’t people depend on you? Didn’t you wake up this morning and do the best you could, even if it was difficult? Didn’t you wake up and put other people first?

Why are we as women so hard on ourselves?

If you dream of having a beautiful portrait, don’t wait. I didn’t, and I have plenty of weight to lose. I have deep laugh lines and jiggly arms and I loved every second of having my photos taken. I felt like a queen and it was fun.

I was thrilled when I saw my images for the first time. I couldn’t believe that it was me. I’m not a 20-something model, I don’t have long flowing hair, but I looked lovely. Gorgeous. Happy. Confident. I thought to myself, “This is what I look like, this is possible.” It was an eye-opener.

Since then I’ve had two more portrait shoots. Yes, me! I love having my hair and makeup done, I love how it makes me feel, I love dressing up and being posed and lit by someone who knows what she’s doing. I love that I feel energized and like anything is possible.

That’s what I want to do for you. Email or call me and let’s talk about what your dream photo shoot looks like.

Email me at, call me at 626.676.9295, or use the contact form above in the upper right corner where it says “Contact”.


serving Pasadena, CA and surrounding areas since 2010


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