Real estate agents rely on their headshots as much as any business. A lot of agents have them on their business cards and their websites.
Mike is a real estate agent in Pasadena and he serves the San Gabriel Valley and adjacent areas, and he was designing a new website and wanted updated photos. He couldn’t decide if he wanted photos with or without his facial hair, so we did both!
We started while he still had his beard and took a series with three different outfits, casual and formal, inside and outside. Then he shaved, and we recreated the same series. I love to go the extra mile for my clients and make them happy.
If you need headshots or a Personal Branding series, email me so we can discuss how I can help you. I have several different collections to suit you.
Email me at Rebecca@RebeccaLittlePhotography.com or use the contact form in the menu in the upper corner of my website.