
Lilly Warriner

Black and white portrait of Lilly Warriner

(Post archived – some photos removed)

Lilly needed headshots before her return to New York. I met her last summer at a party and she had seen my work, and when she was in town over Christmas vacation, she contacted me.

My daughter was with me (she’s homeschooling) and they hit it off. Turns out they both loved Goosebumps!

I love New York and I love to hear people talk about living in the city, so I thought I would ask her a few questions and post the answers with her photographs.

Name – Lilly Warriner
Profession – Theater Student/Hopeful actress

Where did you go to high school?
I went to Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts… also known as LAG or The “Fame” School.
I loved high school. It wasn’t at all like the movie, although the drama teacher in “Fame” was my drama teacher senior year. Mr. Moody… what a ridiculous man. He made the most boring days really fun and told us always to wear a vest, a scarf, and a beret. We had a quite a quirky family of students and teachers at LaGuardia, I still miss it. And I will always miss going to school right behind Lincoln Center! The Upper West Side is one of my favorite parts of New York.

What‘s the best thing(s) about living in Manhattan?
You can go anywhere you want or get anything you want at any hour of the day. Someone else is always awake. It truly is the city that never sleeps. There is ALWAYS something to do and new people to meet. Manhattan is enchanting. Just watch the opening credits of Woody Allen’s Manhattan, I fall in love with New York again every time. It will always be there no matter how many times I leave and I always get butterflies in my stomach when I return.

What’s the worst thing(s) about living in Manhattan?
The tourists. Although after spending a semester abroad I have more respect for tourists and I am now grateful that people want to see the wonderful city in which I live. But when people walk five abreast on the sidewalk that is just not okay! Sidewalk etiquette needs to be enforced before visiting New York.

Give me a day in your life. What do you do in the morning, all the way through the end of the day?
Average day (most realistic): Alarm goes off at 6am. I press snooze at least 7 times. I finally get up, decide not to shower, get dressed, drink coffee, grab whatever I need for class (a yoga mat, a suitcase full of costumes and props for my scenes in class), walk to the 6 train, wait at the end of the platform (word to the wise, the back of the train is always less full), take the train to 14th street, walk to class. Throughout the day I visit starbucks at least 3 times, if its warm enough I eat lunch with my friends on the High Line in Chelsea (its two blocks away from our studio) or we go to Chelsea Market and take way too many samples from Fat Witch Brownies. At the end of the day I either have hours of rehearsal or I go home to Mom’s and complain about how tired I am. But you know what, I love it!
On a non-school day, I try to do absolutely nothing unless I have rehearsal, or visit a museum or have a picnic in Central Park or cook at my house (I love to cook!). And if I’m lucky I go see a show and then go out to dinner.

What would be your dream role?
I have always wanted to play Maggie the Cat in Tennessee William’s ‘Cat On A Hot Tin Roof’ but recently I’ve really been enjoying comedy. I can’t wait to be cast in something really crazy and goofy.

If you had a theme song, what would it be?
I would love some sort of Pink Panther theme song to accompany me while I walk down the street.

Who inspires you and why?
Many people inspire me. A lot of music inspires me. Mostly I love watching other people being passionate about something because it makes me even more passionate about what I love to do. Most recently I was inspired by Black Swan and the King’s Speech. I rarely go to the movies but these two films have such wonderful performances in them that by the time I left the theater I was ready to get back to work.

What music should I be listening to?
I am SO the wrong person to ask about this. My friends constantly make fun of me for my taste in music. I love Steely Dan and the Village People and any Funk music. I just love to boogie. But I’m also ALWAYS listening to Nat King Cole and Etta James. Always.

Best show you saw at the theater.
That is a tough one. I see tons of amazing theater that I couldn’t possibly pick. The time I was the most moved was when I saw ‘Night Mother done by the Roundabout Theater Company starring Brenda Blethyn and Edie Falco. Not a dry eye in the house. The height of emotion that they both had to reach every performance was incredible and seemed to be done with absolute ease.

Coolest celebrity sighting
That is also tough. That’s what I love about New York, they’re everywhere and it’s not really out of the norm. My mother tells me that when I was little I was playing in Central Park at our favorite playground and I got stuck on something, and Jackie O was there to help me off. I wish I remembered that!

Where will you be in 5 years?
Probably in New York. Possibly in Chicago. Wherever I am I want to be doing what I love surrounded by the people I love.

The best month to visit NYC
Either May or October. Both are nice and breezy and Central Park is just beautiful in the Spring and Fall.

The worst month to visit NYC
February. If you want to enjoy New York at all, do NOT visit in February. It is absolutely brutal.


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