
Updated headshots for your job search

If you’re job hunting or switching careers, you probably need updated headshots.

I can help!

I create professional headshots in a relaxed environment at my Pasadena studio.

This is a professional image of a woman wearing long black pants and a black blouse with a white pointed collar and white pleated trim on short sleeves. She's sitting on a black apple box and her arms are crossed. She's smiling at the camera. Her straight black hair rests on her shoulders and she has bangs. Her eyes are dark and she has pale skin. The effect is sophisticated, confident, and elegant. This professional updated headshot will be used for a job search. It's always important to update your headshot when searching for a new job or when you're switching careers. You want to look like yourself and you want to feel good about your new portraits. I chose a black background for her image and used filtered sunlight to illuminate her. Image created by Rebecca Little Photography in Pasadena, CA.
(Above) Updated business photo of Anna for LinkedIn

What I offer

  • in-studio and outdoor settings
  • professional hair and makeup services
  • you can view and choose your images immediately after your session
  • casual and formal images
  • a variety of outfits and backdrops
  • all ordered images are retouched
Anna is wearing a red-orange sleeveless, silky blouse. She's sitting on a white vinyl chair and facing to camera right. She has shoulder-length black hair and straight bangs across her forehead. She is smiling at the camera. This is a professional headshot she wanted for her job search. I used natural light with a white sheer curtain behind her to get that beautiful wrap around light. This light is so flattering to everyone. This was created in my Pasadena photo studio. Rebecca Little Photography in Pasadena, CA.
(Above) Updated headshots for your job search

Why update your headshot when job hunting

If you’re job hunting and your headshot is over 3 years old, you probably need a new one. You want to look like yourself when you show up for your interview, especially if you have new hair color or style.

It’s also a confidence booster to have fresh images that make you feel good!

(Above) I create a variety of headshots for your job search

Almost all of my clients want a new headshot for LinkedIn when they’re job hunting. It’s a good place to see what new jobs are out there and you can easily find out who you know at the company you’re interested in.

It’s a good idea to refresh your profile with a modern, updated headshot, and searchable keywords.

(Above) You can bring different outfits to your headshot session

At our session, I’ll create a variety of images for you. Before your session, we’ll discuss what you need and what image you want to portray. Your outfits really set the tone for your updated headshots and we’ll go over them in depth.

This is an updated headshot for Anna’s job search. She’s wearing a vivid red-orange sleeveless blouse with a tie collar. She is sitting. Her face is facing to the left and she’s not looking at the camera. Non-camera aware images are popular and have a casual, relaxed feel when the subject is laughing, as Anna is. Her black hair is to her shoulders and she has bangs cut straight across her forehead. She has straight white teeth and dark eyes. The image portrays confidence, happiness, and sophistication and was created by Rebecca Little Photography in Pasadena, CA.
(Above) We can create casual and informal headshots for your different requirements

All of these images were created in one session.

I create updated headshots for you job search, like this one. The woman is wearing a black shirt with a white pointed collar and white pleated short sleeves. She's smiling and happy and is looking slightly to the right of camera. Her teeth are white and her eyes are dark. Image created by Rebecca Little Photography in Pasadena, CA.
(Above) An updated headshot can make you feel more confident about your job search

My studio is in Pasadena, CA and I accept Zelle Quickpay, cash, and credit cards.


serving Pasadena, CA and surrounding areas since 2010


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Pasadena, CA



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