Mediators need a headshot that is professional, but still makes them seem approachable. Linda is a Pasadena mediator and attorney, and needed to update her headshot. Her previous one was more than two years old and no longer suited her.
Wardrobe is important for mediators
She brought several tops and blazers, and we created a more formal looking shot with a dark blazer, but this headshot to me is the more engaging and friendly of the two. I just love this gold sweater on her! Being a mediator or an attorney doesn’t mean you have to look stuffy and boring, especially if you have your own practice.
I encourage you to bring several tops and assortment of blazers and sweaters. Scarves can add a nice pop of color and a bit of flair to a conservative blazer. We usually keep jewelry simple, unless you’re used to wearing big statement pieces.
What does your headshot say about you?
Most mediators want to convey a conservative, reliable presence. They need to be seen as professional and competent by potential clients. Clients want to know what it feels like to work with you, so you also want to look friendly and approachable. You definitely doesn’t want to seem intimidating. A lot of this is conveyed by your outfit and jewelry. We discuss all of this before your session, and I’ll send you info about what to wear and how to prepare.
Contact me
If you are an attorney or mediator and need to update your image, contact me using the contact form in the upper right corner, or scroll to the bottom for contact info.
I’m in historic Green Street Village on Green Street in Pasadena, just east of Lake.